Hip-Flexor Stretch for the Squat & Tight Hips
What’s the most important pre-workout stretch? – Why?
Chris Frederick (co-author of the book Stretch-to-Win®) explains…
“It is well known that tight hip flexors will neurologically weaken your glutes, which makes your back and hamstrings work harder and raises risk for injury during squats and overhead lifts.”
“The Stretch to Win® quick solution for this common problem prescribes the Fast Stretch Wave on your hip flexors right before lifting. This routine rapidly removes tightness (hip flexors) that causes weakness (glutes), which increases strength (low back-glute-hamstring movement chain). Immediately follow up with air squats, barbell only squats then progressive weight training and your PR will soon be right around the corner. The Slow Stretch Wave is done after training as part of your cool down to restore flexibility that you may lose from hard-core training.”
“Conclusions in the scientific literature that static stretching decreases power (vertical jump) and speed (sprinting) are for similar, as well as other reasons it decreases strength. So, doing the wrong stretching – static before activity – makes you weaker and slower. Doing the right stretching – what we call doing the “Stretch Wave™” – makes you stronger and faster more quickly and safely.”
– Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™
Tags: glute-strength, hip-flexor stretch, psoas, psoas stretch, squat mobility, squatrx, tight hip-flexors
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