The Squatty Potty
Another Reason to Squat: The Squatty Potty
The squat is a fundamental weightlifting exercise it is a part of every well-rounded fitness program. The squat is also more than just an exercise found in the gym it is a natural resting position that supports ankle and hip flexibility. While young children spending plenty of time crawling, squatting, kneeling, and running – adults who sit or stand all day need to spend time in the gym to ‘put themselves’ back into natural positions.
While most of us spend time squatting in the gym there is a crucial function of the squat that we have completely forgotten about – squatting in the bathroom!
Many top fitness professionals are advocating natural elimination strategies from flexibility expert Chris Frederick (Stretch-to-Win) to world renown running coach Brian MacKenzie (you can check out his homemade version here).
As this video explains, the typical seated position on the toilet is unnatural and contributes to a number of health problems. The natural position for elimination is a squat; which allows us to fully relax and not strain the colon.
The squatty potty is an easy solution to this problem – putting us back into a naturally relaxed position for optimal performance!
The simple knowledge of getting our knees up while going to the bathroom made a remarkable difference. We searched and searched but we could not find a good solution for putting us into a squatting position while using our toilet. After trying different stools, books and buckets – not to mention stubbing our toes many times (especially in the middle of the night) we decided to take matters into our own hands. That’s when we came up with the Squatty Potty® toilet stool.
Squatty Potty wraps perfectly around your existing toilet and easily stores out of the way when not in use. We designed, created, tried and tested and then did it again and again. We thought of everything to make your bathroom experience better and more enjoyable. Squatty Potty is the perfect height, shape and design to work with any toilet. It’s comfortable, ergonomic, easy to use, attractive and affordable. Success! – From the Squatty Potty® website
As for your squatting inside of the gym – this week pick up a kettlebell and incorporate a set of goblet squats into your warmup.
Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™ – www.FlexibilityRx.com
Related Resources
Mark’s Daily Apple: Why Squatting is So Important (link)
Squatty Potty Website (link)
FlexibilityRx: Squat Therapy Series (link)
Tags: bathroom posture, colon care, squat form, squats, squatty potty
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