Saturday: Reviews/Recommendations (Close Your Mouth)
The ability to take in air through one’s nose is an important factor in eliminating not just allergies, asthma, and sinus congestion – but for some patients this is a key factor in their chronic movement dysfunctions, symptoms, and pain.
I began using the Control Pause assessment outlined on page 40 of their book. I found a strong correlation between this airway obstruction and hypertonic secondary muscles of respiration. In an overextended individual that has tight pecs and lats, spinal erectors, calves, hip-flexors, and hamstrings – they need the ability to breathe without excessive effort. This assessment allowed me to QUANTIFY someone’s degree of respiratory dysfunction.
I use this assessment with: athletes that want to enhance their endurance and cardiovascular function, mouth breathers, neck pain patients, and patients that have not had success with multiple prior treatments. Visual signs and symptoms and nervous system tonus tell me when I need to utilize a Buteyko Method protocol. I use nasal breathing in conjunction with blowing up balloons, or even a POWER LUNG – to train the lungs, but the nasal tissue itself needs to be from mucous or excessive dryness. Regular use of a Neti Pot is a recommendation I give everyone – especially those with respiratory disorders.
Individuals that are unable to hold a CONTROL PAUSE for 40 seconds have an excessive breathing volume. “The larger your breathing volume, the shorter your CP will be. The longer your CP, the better oxygenated your body will be.” Treatment then involves relaxed nasal breathing drills, before greater intensity exercise while nasal breathing. Alternate nostril breathing is a great drill that integrates with this framework.
– Kevin J. Kula, “The Flexibility Coach”
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