Rotary Band Plank

Rotary Band Plank

Rotary Band Plank

Rotary Band Plank

Core Stability: The Rotary Band Hold

The rotary band plank (also known as the rotary band hold) is a core stability exercise that strengthens the abdominal obliques.  The obliques resist unwanted rotation at the lumbar spine.

Anti-exercises build core stability, which is the ability to resist and/or control movement.  Core stability is different than core strength.  Stability is about movement competency, while strength is about movement capacity.  The ability to move well is dependent on a balance between stability and mobility.

Anti-movements are one way to train stability. Anti-extension, anti-lateral flexion, and anti-rotational movements like the front plank, side plank, and rotary band plank are an easy way to add stability training to a warm-up.

The band used is a red EliteFTS Pro Mini Resistance Band.  This band can be used for half-kneeling face pulls, rotatory band planks, banded breathing, and shoulder mobility exercises (straight arm overhead pulldown).

Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™ –

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