Sunday: Recovery (Galbi-tang) Korean Short Rib Soup
One of the most nutritious foods on the planet is bone broth.
I used to make bone broth at home every Sunday courtesy of bones from the FishHugger while l lived in Phoenix. For the past two years in Chicago I have been eating Korean food 2-3x a week (fermented kimchi at home regularly different bone broth soups) weekly at Korean restaurants. My favorite Korean dish is a short rib soup called Galbi-tang.
This is one of the biggest weapons in my recovery arsenal. I have previously written about bone broth providing a basic recipe I used to make: https://www.flexibilityrx.com/bone-broth-for-creaky-knees-and-achy-joints/
Here are Some Benefits of Bone Broth
Repairs a compromised gut lining
Strengthens the immune system
Provides anti-inflammatory amino acids
Fights colds and infetions
Eliminates food allergies/sensitivites
Stimulates collagen production for joints/tendons/ligaments
Supports proper digestion
Lowers the amount of protein needed in one’s diet
Promotes strong healthy bones
Promotes healthy hair and nail growth (via gelatin)
The author of the Paleovedic Diet in his book recalls how bone broth literally nursed him back to health after he had to drop out of med school due to poor health.
Sean Croxton has written about the benefits of bone broth: http://undergroundwellness.com/top-5-reasons-why-bone-broth-is-the-bomb/
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