Piriformis Stretch
Piriformis is just one of the six external hip-rotators, which Tom Myers refers to as the trochanter fan.
image courtesy of Tom Myers, author of “Anatomy-Trains”
This stretch for the external-rotators is from the same position used to stretch the gluteals – what I call “Mission-Control” – legs at 90/90 angles.
To progress the stretch from the gluts to the external-rotators (also called deep lateral rotators), you elevate the foot above the knee, putting the hip in external rotation.
The external rotators are the six deep muscles of the hip, including the ‘piriformis’. Tightness in the external-rotators can reduce your ability to utilize the stretch reflex out of the bottom of the squat – because the adductors need to be fully lengthened – which is often prevented by tight external-rotators.
Knees out – SquatRx Point of Performance #3
The ability to push the knees out in the squat is dependent on the flexibility of the joint-capsule, glutes, and adductors. While some athletes will take a wider stance squat to compensate for lack of flexibility in a narrow squat, training a wide stance squat with proper form is essential for athletic development. The third point of performance introduces the flexibility demands of the adductors in particular.
Adductors lengthen on the descent of the squat and contract (shorten) on the way up, contributing to hip extension. Mark Rippetoe, explains that adductors are an important part of the ‘posterior chain’, contributing to powerful hip extension. For the adductors to contribute to hip extension, they needed to be fully stretched on the descent phase of the squat, which requires the external rotators to push the knees out. Tightness in the gluts and external rotators can prevent the knees from tracking out.
– Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™
Tags: external-hip-rotators, glute stretch, hip rotator cuff, knees out, piriformis stretch, piriformis syndrome, squat depth, squatrx, tight hips
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