This stretch will improve hip movement by freeing up motion of the joint capsule.
Increase your squat depth and get your knees out for a better squat by improving internal-rotation.
This is less of a ‘stretch’ than an active movement of taking the knee towards the floor – alternating side-to-sdie.
Use this along with the stretch for ‘external-rotation‘.
Limited internal rotation is often associated with a restricted joint-capsule, adductors, and hip-flexors on that side.
Try this stretch and retest your squat noting your ability to keep your knees out and get your hips below parallel.
Research shows that 47% of flexibility is in the joint itself.
This is why bands are used with the upper body stretches to create space in the joint-capsule during the stretch.
When stretching the lower-body, use this ‘hip-opener’ stretch for internal rotation – before your stretches.
You can also use it between stretches (like glut or hip-flexor from “Mission-Contro”) and after your lower body stretches.
– Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™
Tags: deeper squat, hip internal-rotation, joint-capsule stretch, knees out squat, perfect squat, squat depth, squatrx
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