This subtle stretch is for the lateral hip and joint-capsule. Pressing through the side of the hip you will feel a mild stretch around the outside of the hip.
Great for recovery post-workout or pre-workout to help keep the knees out during the squat.
I had a great time at EastValley CrossFit providing Fascial Stretch Therapy™ at this years’ “Barbells for Boobs“.
Many of the stretches in this blog have been influenced by my background providing assisted stretching (Fascial Stretch Therapy™) to athletes.
To find a Fascial Stretch Therapist trained by the Stretch to Win® Institute near you check out www.StretchtoWin.com.
– Kevin J. Kula, “The Flexibility Coach”, Creator of FlexibilityRx™
Tags: hip mobility, hips below parallel, joint-capsule, knees out, squat depth, squatrx
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