Hip Flexor Stretch for Tight Hips
Hip extension is needed for most athletic movements. Hip extension is a function of the glutes and hamstrings. Deadlifts, kettlebell swings, squats, and box-jumps all require hip extension to complete the lockout position of the movement as the hips go from flexion to extension in standing.
The glute max is often inhibited by tight hip flexors which causes the hamstrings and low-back to overwork during squats and deadlifts. Improving hip extension requires a combination of stretching tight hip-flexors and activating the glutes.
The two main hip flexors include the superficial quadriceps (rectus femoris) on the front of the thigh and the deep hip flexor (psoas), which spans from the lumbar spine out to the leg.
The assessment below will allow you to determine if you have a superficial or deep restriction and what side is tight.
– Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™ – www.FlexibilityRx.com
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