Quickly Improve Hip Flexibility for Squats
Improving Hip Mobility for the Squat
Improving hip mobility for the squat begins with joint-capsule range of motion. As Chris Frederick points out, “When full ROM in a joint is inhibited, then ROM in the muscle is also restricted, because muscles attach to bones and bones connect to other bones by way of joints.” All of the joint-capsule stretches can be used before, between, and after stretches to free up the joint-capsule.
This sequence includes the stretches for internal and external hip rotation, a hip-opener, and the third position from the hip traction series.
Hip mobility and flexibility are essential to the squat!
This active movement of taking the hips side-to-side can be used as a way to assess internal hip rotation. When dropping the legs to the left, as the right knee moves towards the floor, the right hip is taken into internal rotation. The knee easily touching the floor indicates full range of motion. Assess both sides and focus more on the restricted side.
This subtle stretch will be felt in the outer hip as you press your hips out and to the side. The leg of the hip being stretched is bent (flexed and externally rotated), blocked by the back knee of the other leg. This is more of an active movement, than a held stretch, as you will scour the outer hip to explore what angle targets the joint-capsule the best. Use this exercise along with the glute stretch.
This stretch targets the outer hip and joint capsule. Keeping your knees together and hands wide for support you will rock your hips side to side. When rocking to the right, the left knee will raise up off the floor as you progress the stretch closer to the floor. After the initial stretch take the hips forward slightly, before rocking to the side, for a different angle of stretch.
Hip Traction
The pictured stretch is the third position from the hip traction series. This position allows for the greatest traction. As you lean forward to tension the band the leg will be pulled away from the hip, creating a subtle traction sensation in the hip. Synchronize your breathing with your movement, exhaling in to the stretch and inhaling while rocking back out of the stretch. When tractioning the joint-capsule, use five-second holds and find the best angle for the stretch by subtlely rotating the leg in and out.
– Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™
Tags: hip flexibility for the squat, hip mobility exercises, joint-capsule, squat depth, squatrx, tight hips
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