The Half Kneeling Face Pull
The half-kneeling face pull is a great exercise for maintaining healthy shoulders. The face pull is a nice progression from a row to a pullup; in other words, a face pull is at an angle between a horizontal and vertical pull. This is a good progression for athletes that struggle with overhead mobility.
While pulling exercises like bent-over rows retract and depress the scapula – face pulls require scapular upward rotation. Scapular upward rotation is required for overhead presses, overhead squats, and snatches. Athletes that struggle with raising their arms overhead often need to spend more time working on upward rotation (see upward rotation series).
The face pull strengthens the lower and middle trapezius, as well as strengthening rhomboid (a downward rotator) in a position of upward rotation. Thoracic extension and scapular upward rotation are essential to maintaining healthy rotator cuff function.
– Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” – Creator of FlexibilityRx™ – www.FlexibilityRx.com
Related Resources
Mike Robertson: Push-Ups, Face Pulls, and Shrugs (link)
Mike Robertson: Is Scapular Stability a Myth (link)
Syatt Fitness: Half-Kneeling Face Pull (You-Tube Video)
Bonvec Strength: 3 Exercises to Keep Your Shoulders Healthy (link)
Tags: half kneeling face pull, overhead mobility, scapular stability, shoulder flexion, upward rotation
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