Restore for Gut Health Product Review

Restore for Gut Health

Wednesday: Nutrition (Restore Product Review)

Restore for Gut Health

“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates

It would be hard to realize the magnitude that statement would have today when it was made 2,000 years ago by one of the fathers of modern medicine.

Even someone that consumes a nutrient dense Weston A. Price/GAPS/Paleo style diet is still going to be affected at some level by antibiotics, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and a number of environmental toxins.

Fermented foods and supplemental probiotics help maintain the microbiome inside of us but Restore provides additional support to protect the gut wall against toxins and help beneficial bacteria flourish.

“Restore is a soil-derived, scientifically-backed mineral supplement that creates a firewall against toxins entering the gut wall. Restore helps create a biological environment for good gut bacteria to grow and flourish, to support improvement of overall health. It is not a probiotic. It is not a prebiotic.

Rather, it is a carbon-rich, alkaline liquid, comprised of Terrahydrite™, a formulation of Aqueous Humic Substances and trace mineral amino acid complexes. RESTORE has been shown to create a beneficial shift in the bacteria of the microbiome-what many people are attempting to do with probiotics and prebiotics. Carbon-based redox molecules from ancient fossilized soil help restore the communication network between bacteria in the gut, mitochondria, and cells in the body.”

A leaky gut affects the entire body and can recreate auto-immune conditions that seemingly have no apparent cause. I have used this product in the past and highly recommend it to those seeking to restore the health of their immune system.

Who would benefit from Restore?

Symptoms of Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut)
Brain Function: Depression, Anxiety, ADHD
Skin: Acne, Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis
Thyroid: Hashimotos, Hypothyroidism, Graves
Colon: Constipation, Diarrhea, IBD
Joints: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Headaches
Sinus & Mouth: Frequent Colds, Food Sensitivities


“The more compromised or damaged the gut health of the individual, the more rapid and profound are the early results of the supplement. These clinical results are not the direct effects of the supplement, but instead reflect the innate healing process that occurs in a body as the firewall system is back up and running. For many, this is an improvement in mental clarity and sensory processing in as little as hours or days of first use.”

“RESTORE has also been shown in lab testing to increase and strengthen the tight junction proteins in the gut lining, our frontline of defense against environmental factors in our food, water, and even air, thereby impacting the immune system, as much of the body’s immune system is in the gut lining. In experiments, environmental and natural toxins – including herbicides and gluten – have been shown to degrade the gut barrier. A stronger gut lining keeps undigested food and environmental elements from leaking out into the bloodstream, so the immune system does not have to defend against these foreign “invaders.”

See video below for more information on how RESTORE works.

– Kevin J. Kula, “The Flexibility Coach”

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