PressRx Selection: Lat Stretch
Check out my post on how to effectively stretch your lats here.…
Check out my post on how to effectively stretch your lats here.…
Forearm-Wrist Stretch Go easy on this stretch – nice quick sequence pre-workout. Wrist pain after workouts is often due to a lack of thoracic flexibility which should also be addressed to improve the front-rack. To improve thoracic flexibility check out the thoracic extension exercise here. – Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach”, Creator of FlexibilityRx™…
Pec Major Stretch Improve your overhead lifts with this great stretch for the chest! Make sure not to pull the band, but to keep the arm relaxed – allowing the band to traction the shoulder joint during the stretch. Traction decompresses the joint-capsulse and relaxes the nervous system allowing for a deeper stretch. Exhale into […]…
This subtle stretch is for the lateral hip and joint-capsule. Pressing through the side of the hip you will feel a mild stretch around the outside of the hip. Great for recovery post-workout or pre-workout to help keep the knees out during the squat. I had a great time at EastValley CrossFit providing Fascial Stretch […]…
The best quad stretch Are tight quads effecting your ability to squat? #1: Keeping your weight on your heels #2: Getting your hips below parallel #3: Maintaining an upright torso While stretching your quads can have an dramatic impact on all lower body movements (squatting, running, lunging)… Stretching from Core-to-Extremity Produces Better Results Before […]…
Pec-Minor Stretch This pec-minor stretch will quickly improve your range of motion for any overhead lifts. Pec-minor is part of the chest, deep to the normally visible pec-major. If you look at the model on the left, you can see pec-major on his right chest and pec-minor on his left. Is a tight chest robbing […]…
A better lat stretch for the overhead squat Stretching your lats will have a dramatic effect on your overhead lifts. Here is a illustration of the lat muscle (latissimus dorsi), courtesy of the ground-breaking anatomist – Thomas Myers, author of “Anatomy Trains”. The lats span from the sides of the hips, up the side of […]…
A better rotator cuff stretch This stretch is for the ‘rotator cuff’ which is a term for the musculature around the shoulder blade. Tight external-rotators often restrict shoulder flexion, limiting your ability to get your arms overhead for the shoulder press or overhead squat. Where should I feel the stretch? This stretch will be felt […]…
The FlexibilityRx™ Blog www.FlexibilityRx.com You know that feeling you get when you ‘PR’ your lift – your timing is just right, the movement seems effortless, the bar traveling in a perfect path… It’s sometimes hard to reproduce that state – it’s like hitting a jump-shot from mid-court and then being asked to immediately do it […]…