Quadratus Lumborum Stretch
‘QL’ is short for Quadratus Lumborum – a deep muscle of the low-back. QL spans from the top of the hips to the last rib, connecting the hips to the spine.
QL is often a source of low-back pain. QL provides lateral core stability and it often both tight and weak. “Desk jockeys” that sit with the ribcage shifted to one side are setting up a potential QL imbalance.
QL provides the same stabilizing function as the lateral line (image courtesy of Tom Myers – www.AnatomyTrains.com) at a deeper ‘core’ level – giving support to the front & back of the body.
Many runners and athletes that train exclusively in frontal plane movements (running, lunging) are lacking lateral core stability – anti-lateral flexion endurance and could benefit from incorporating side-planks into their warm-up.
Whether stretching or strengthening QL – the important consideration is side-to-side differences. A strength/endurance difference of greater than 5% in the side-plank, for example, has been shown to be correlated with low-back pain.
Quadratus Lumborum Strengthening
– Kevin Kula, “The Flexibility Coach”, Creator of FlexibilityRx™
Tags: Core-Four lower, lateral line, low-back pain, QL stretch, quadratus lumborum stretch
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