The best quad stretch
Are tight quads effecting your ability to squat?
#1: Keeping your weight on your heels
#2: Getting your hips below parallel
#3: Maintaining an upright torso
While stretching your quads can have an dramatic impact on all lower body movements (squatting, running, lunging)…
Stretching from Core-to-Extremity Produces Better Results
Before you stretch your quads revisit the ‘Psoas’ stretch from the “Mission Control” position.
Psoas is the deep hip-flexor that connects the spine to the legs/hip, whereas the quads make up the more superficial musculature on the front of the thigh.
Here is an illustration of the deep hip-flexors (psoas). Psoas is traditionally stretched in a kneeling lunge position along with iliacus also pictured. You will feel the ‘psoas’ stretch in the front of the hip (iliacus) and in the lower abdomen (psoas).
Psoas Illustration
Core-to-Extremity Comparison
Here is a comparison of the superficial musculature on the front of the body compared to the deeper ‘core’ musculature (including psoas) that surrounds the spine (courtesy of Tom Myers – www.anatomytrains.com)
Transition from Psoas to Quad from “Mission Control”
Transitioning from psoas to quad is easy – utilize the “Mission-Control” position (legs at 90/90 and hips in a ‘side-lunge’).
To stretch psoas – position the legs at 90/90 and on your exhale rotate your stomach away from your back leg towards the ground until you feel more flexibility in the front of the hip.
To stretch quads pull the back leg in towards your hips (angle less than 90) in a gradual progression as the stretch will change from front of hip to the front of leg.
The concept of stretching ‘Core-to-Extremity‘ was outlined in Ann and Chris Frederick’s book, “Stretch to Win” (www.StretchtoWin.com).
The ‘Stretch of the Week’ also includes a wall variation that will help with muscle end-range, but if you are extremely tight begin with the floor variation (which is more appropriate pre-workout) – at a lesser intensity.
– Kevin J. Kula, “The Flexibility Coach, Creator of FlexibilityRx™
Tags: best quad stretch, couch stretch, hips below parallel, quad stretch, squatrx, tight hip-flexors, tight quads, weight on heels
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